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Q&A with Kip Thorne Nobel Prize-winning Theoretical Physicist
Interview with Kip Thorne, Nobel Prize in Physics 2017
Nobel Lecture: Kip Thorne, Nobel Prize in Physics 2017
Prof Kip Thorne: Q&A session with Physics Students at UCD Literary & Historical Society (2016)
Is science solution to everything? Discussion with Kip Thorne and Brian Cox in Bratislava
In Conversation with Kip Thorne
2017 Nobel laureate Kip Thorne | Encourages African Physicists
When I met Prof. Kip Thorne, the Nobel laureate, a theoretical Astrophysicist, listen to his lecture
The Science of Interstellar with Science Advisor, Kip Thorne
The internet's most asked questions about black holes - with Kip Thorne
Replug: Kip Thorne, One Winner of 2017 Physics Nobel
My Cab Ride with 2017 Nobel Prize Winner Kip Thorne (THE SAAD TRUTH_517)